Video Bible Studies

As God's written Word, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the source of His revelation to man. Learn about the production, collection, transmission, and preservation of these marvelous works in How We Got The Bible, featuring Dr. Paul L. Maier, the latest Men's NetWork five-part Bible study. Listen as Dr. Maier shares his expertise and enthusiasm on the preservation and transmission of God's Word through the centuries.
This engaging video tells the story of Jesus’ walk with two disciples on the road to Emmaus during the afternoon of Easter Sunday. During the journey, Jesus explained why it was necessary for him to suffer and rise from the dead, dialog that touches on the doctrines of redemption and justification by faith alone.

Yeshua, the Hebrew name for Jesus, offers a fascinating view of Jesus' life. Yeshua reveals ancient customs and beliefs with exceptional clarity and detail. This five-program series moves across centuries of history, from the time of Abraham through the efforts of the Jews to possess and hold the promised land, to the birth and life of Jesus. The series is hosted by Dr. Oswald Hoffmann (1913-2005), former speaker of The Lutheran Hour radio broadcast and past president of the United Bible Societies.

You're invited to enjoy "This is The Life" from television's "Golden Age." This Emmy Award-winning series, produced by Lutheran Television Productions, aired in syndication on TV from 1952 to 1986. Watch stars like Jack Nicholson, Leonard Nimoy, Angie Dickinson, and Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs as they cut their teeth on their craft - long before they hit the "big time." Check out some of the episodes from this critically acclaimed series.

Ever wondered if some texts were intentionally excluded from the Bible and why? In Lost Books? Discover why some ancient writings failed to make the cut for inclusion, why other texts most definitely met the standard, and why others, including those "gospels" found in the last century, came up short.

In The Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, the case is made that the Scriptures are authentic, dependable, God-inspired and worthy-not only of our full attention but of our complete faith. In this Men's NetWork Bible study, attorney Craig Parton leads the viewer through relevant points that comprise this important discussion. He asks, "Is this book, the Bible, and its contents-reliable?"

“The First Rosa” chronicles Dr. Rosa J. Young’s remarkable history as a pioneer Lutheran educator and missionary who, alongside the Rev. Nils J. Bakke, planted dozens of historically black Lutheran schools and chapels in the American South. See the long odds they faced—struggles with strident critics, the Ku Klux Klan, even an invasion of boll weevils—before emerging with a glorious victory.

This documentary takes viewers step by step through the events of Holy Week--shedding light on the key players, unraveling the political intrigue, and answering longstanding questions about what happened, and why. Professor of ancient history and world-renowned expert Dr. Paul L. Maier details the story.
Come Follow Me depicts what it means to be a disciple, a follower of Jesus. The movie recounts the experience of the Apostle Peter—his misunderstanding, denial, doubts, and fears. The answer for Peter is Jesus who assures his disciple of forgiveness through his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. The way for Peter to be a follower of Jesus is found in the power and promises of Jesus’ word – in the same way as it is for us.

Service members of the United States Armed Forces are met with challenges on and off the battlefield. Warriors of Faith -- Military Men, a Men's NetWork Bible study written especially for these servicemen and women, explores the issues of anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness and love, as they impact the lives of those who have served, or are now serving, their country.

Nobody said demons, plagues, and an appointment with Armageddon would be fun, but it doesn't have to be feared-at least not for the Christian. Check out our Bible study, Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation, gives both insight-and encouragement to those who follow "the bright Morning Star." Join host Rev. Ken Klaus for this insightful four-part video series.
Video Bible studies produced by Lutheran Hour Ministries
an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) and Lutheran Church – Canada (LCC)
"The First Rosa" was produced by The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS).
"My Son, My Savior," "Come Follow Me," "Road To Emmaus," and "To The Ends of The Earth" produced by WELS
"The Week That Changed The World," Vision Video